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Uniform Request Form

One of our top priorities is ensuring everyone gets kitted with a uniform that fits properly as soon as possible. We need all the uniforms that don’t fit back so we can re-issue them to someone else.


Please follow the steps of the excel form (click button to access) form to get a new uniform or replace an old ill-fitting one.


If your uniform doesn’t fit:

  • Wash all uniform parts that no longer fit you

  • Put the washed uniform parts into a garbage bag

  • Put your First Name, Last Name, Phone Number, and Email on a piece of paper IN THE BAG

  • Put your LAST NAME somewhere on the outside of the bag

Uniform Maintenance Help

Wearing the Dress Uniform (Head to Toe)

Field Training Uniform  (FTU) + DEU Tie

Forming the Beret

Sewing Badges onto Tunic

Wearing the FTU (Head to Toe)

Ironing Trousers (Intro + 2:15-3:20)

Blousing W/ Boot Bands

Polishing Parade Boots

Blackening "Combat" Boots

Dress Uniform (DEU/Blues)

Ironing Shirt (Intro + 3:20-6:10)

Tying Blue Uniform Tie (Double Windsor Knot)

909 Peregrine Squadron Royal Canadian Air Cadets, West Kelowna BC.
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This web site is owned and operated by 909 Peregrine Squadron. The intent of this unofficial website is to provide recruitment information to potential new members, facilitate the communication of parent information, and provide cadets with an access point to the official Cadet365 intranet. This website is not intended to represent any other organization. This website is not intended to represent in any way the opinions of the Department of National Defence, the Canadian Forces, or the Sea/Army/Air Cadet Leagues.

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